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Vol -  7, Issue- 2 ,         Page(s) : 20 - 25  (2020 ) DOI :


Psychological Well being has a self propagating quality of to it feeling good predispose one to respond to beauty, warmth of feeling or cerebral challenge in a positive way. Bradburn (1969) describe Psychological well being as somewhat vague concept which si to do with feeling about than even day life activities through to more positive dissatisfaction. Jahoda 1958 notes that happiness is one of the criteria frequently used in notion of positive mental health but argues that it cannot be in nations of positive mental health but argue that it cannot be a sufficient criteria because there are clearly situations in which being happy would be an appropriate. Wilson (1967) concluded that the "happy person emerges as a young healthy educated well paid extroverted, optimistic worry etc. Loneliness is quite different experience in loneliness one can feel a deep yearing for companionship, often that yearing is a accompanied by a painful sense of worthiness when we attribute our condition to rejection. The crucial feature of loneliness according to Perlman and Peplau (1981) is a discrepancy between one' desired and achieved levels of social relations. Keeping in mind above literature the present study will proceed. There are five hypothesis were made. For the data analysis cofficient correlation were computed. 300 divorcee women were taken for sample from Lucknow and Varanasi. Conclusion - The problem was taken that experience of loneliness and psychological well being is related with negatively, that is found significant.

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